Year 2 All Consortium Meeting

Laurence Fitzhenry, ORBITAL Project Coordinator alongside fellow member Niall O'Reilly, traveled to the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain to be a part of the Year 2 All Consortium Meeting. The annual meeting is where ORBITAL's community meets to discuss ground-breaking drug delivery techniques and preclinical models to treat posterior segment eye disease.

ORBITAL is a vision research community that spans 11 countries and is made up of 21 partners including academic organisations, clinicians, and patient and advocacy groups- all working towards improved therapeutics and drug delivery strategies for the treatment of ophthalmic conditions.

Being part of this consortium ensures that the OcuDel team is at the forefront of vision research, innovative therapeutic delivery strategies, and the development of new models to increase the translation of research from the lab to the patient.


Stages of Dry Eye in Dogs

